Well, our last group has come and gone for the year. We said goodbye to Burgs’ Introduction to Meditation, Mindfulness and Chi Kung group on the 7th (www.theartofmeditation.org) and are now winding down for the end of the year. Steve is outside tidying the garden up and he has also been planting cyclamen with Dave to provide what we hope will be a lovely white carpet of flowers on the triangle before the barn car park, under the fir tree there.
Gail has been re-lining the group room curtains for extra warmth and Mel has been doing the end-of-year housekeeping jobs around the place.
Quieter times are also when we have time to try out new recipes to add to our menus. These delicious cinnamon caramel rolls taught Steve a lesson in reading the recipe right through to the very end before starting! After several knockings-back and risings and restings and so on, they took
over four and a half hours!! Which would have been OK…………..if we hadn’t started so late…..We finally got them out of the oven at 1am!! Utterly delicious though!
With the place empty of guests, we also get a chance to invite friends and family to stay and enjoy Poulstone. Mel’s book group had their Christmas meal here on Wednesday and both sides of the family will be joining us here over Christmas. It should be a busy but enjoyable time.
Today’s been another cracking day – brilliant sunshine and as the mist cleared this morning we saw that the Wye had flooded into nearby fields so Poulstone meadow was sparkling in the sun. And geese and swans were exploring this extension to their territory.
Anyway, that’s all from us at the year end. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a lovely time however you celebrate the season.
Much love
Mel & Steve xx
Poulstone Court Retreat Centre