Happy New Year from us all at Poulstone! After a very refreshing break, we are now thoroughly back in the swing of things with our second group now here with us. Last week we hosted the Gordon Moody Association (http://www.gordonmoody.org.uk/) which helps people with an addiction to gambling. This was a new residential programme for women and we really enjoyed providing the residential support for this excellent work and meeting all those involved.
Last night we were joined by Chris Luttichau of Northern Drum (http://northerndrum.com/) and his group. Chris is a shaman of many years standing and after 30 years of study with indigenous teachers and elders, Chris is the keeper of an integral body of teachings that he shares in workshops and ongoing one-year and three-year training groups. The teachings cover a broad range of topics from healing and dreaming to spirit contact and self-development. This weekend we understand that the group is working with plants and herbs and they have a beautiful crisp, sunny day today for working outside with the plants. Chris’s book “Animal Spirit Guides” is available in the Poulstone shop or direct from Northern Drum.
Poulstone is enjoying the presence of a large number of swans and geese at present camped out on the field next to Poulstone. We’ve had some beautiful frosty mornings just recently and it’s lovely seeing them flying overhead in the early morning light. Steve and Dave have done the winter pruning of the apple trees and cut back the perennials in most of the beds now the birds have had a chance to eat the seeds up so we are nicely tidied up in the garden. Mel and Steve have relaid all the garden irrigation piping before the plants in the borders start to bush up and were kept company all day by a lovely little robin.
Gail has re-lined all the curtains in the group room so it feels extra cosy in the evenings. We all sat down the other evening and have ordered all our onions sets, potatoes and seeds for this year’s growing in the veg plot. It was a nice time to review what worked and what didn’t last year and also order a few new varieties to see how they do.
We were very sorry to hear this month that Windhorse Trading is shortly to cease doing business. Products from this wonderful Buddhist trading company have been in the Poulstone shop for 20 years and they were a great organisation to work with. We wish everyone well with whatever they do next, particularly David and Jim who used to bring the mobile showroom around for us. The search is now on for another ethical and fairtrade company for craft goods, incense, candles and the like.
That’s about all from us at the moment. We hope the year is starting very well for you all.
Warm wishes
Mel & Steve
Poulstone Court